Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Review After Tutorial

During our first tutorial we put a rough edit together. For this edit Tom put a number of clips together in avid and Richard put a separate audio edit on pro tools to show Debbie. We realised later that this was a mistake as having to play audio and video separately didn't convey our intentions as planned and didn't convey our story very well. After showing Debbie our rough cut she stated that it was important for us to focus on what we wanted our story to be and what we wanted the spectator to take from this film. do we want to educate, do we want to empathise or do we want something different completely.

The tutorial was extremely helpful as we got to discuss the options we had in terms of overlaying the sound and if we would require a score of some kind to go over the film to ad a layer of depth to the sound, if we needed more interview audio. We came together as a group and decided that we would need a few more interview pieces and we would need to find some sort of sound to over lay the film to ad some depth. Debbie agreed that our shots were well done and ascetically pleasing, this was extremely important due to the fact our shots didn't range in type and were consistent throughout so we had to make sure that they looked good. This feedback really helped in forming our final film and also gave us a clear vision as to how to finish it.

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