During the days filming we used this sheet that Hannah made to log all of the shots we did and later created the computer version as a final copy. This log sheet shows how many shots were done over the two shoots, what kind of shot they were (close up/ mid close up) and if the shot was usable or not conveyed by the tick or cross at the end.
The image below shows the shot list, it shows all the shots done whilst filming that made up our final film. It consists of 39 shots total, 31 of which are actual contributors tattoos and the other 8 are cut away footage of tattoo drawings done by an apprentice. Unfortunatly due to the lack of work done by our producer and he refusal to call places we were unable to gain access to any actual tattoo shops and talk to any artists. Lucky for us our cinematographer knew an apprentice and she offered her sketch book for us to record a few cut away shots of art work.
This also meant that we couldn't talk to any artists about their views on giving tattoos, meaning that we couldn't show the two sides of the story both what it means to the clients and what it means to the artists. Although this was the case, we managed to get a lot of willing contributors to show us their tattoos and talk to us about them. we did this by talking to people on the high street and talking to people in university, whilst still talking to people we knew personally.
| ||||
" " - leg
" " - arm
" " - arm
City Tattoo Studio
Mid shot of front of studio
atmos - voice over - background
City Tattoo studio
Panning of studio walls
" " - music tbs
" "
Close up of design work
" " - music tbs
" "
Mid Shot of work areas
" " - music tbs
" "
Close ups of multiple different drawn tattoo designs
Possible contributor 11
" " - music tbs
Below Shows the call sheets that were made for the crew just as a document to have which made sure they knew where they had to be and what they were doing on both of our shoots. This was helpful in keeping everyone up to date with what needed to be done and on what day it needed to get done on.
On day one we did our first load of tattoo shots and our first load of cutaway shots, a lot of time was spent doing tester shots hence why we allowed half an hour to set up. We started with Toms Tattoo and did all of our tester shots, making sure all of our setting were correct and accurate, making sure the lights were on good enough levels to highlight the tattoo the way we wanted. so once we started to get people arriving who we had arranged to meet us we could move swiftly through each person.
For our interviews we wanted to get as much information from our contributors as possible, before conducting the interviews we let them know what they would be asked to give them time to think about their answers. we asked variations of three simple questions; why did you get your tattoo? how do you feel when you look down at your tattoo? what does it make you think of? By asking these questions we always got exactly what we wanted from our contributors to put something together. It was rare that we got a contributor that didn't expand on their answers and even if they wouldn't really give us much we would repeat the last thing they said and they would just expand on their last comment. for example if someone said "i my tattoo because it was cool" we would just say "it was cool?" and they would then expand on there statement.
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